Jim’s Voice

Coming this Summer ….

In A World …

It’s true, in addition to my work as a writer, I also have started producing voice-over work.

As you may have noticed from the clip above, I have a naturally deep, resonant voice – but I can also mimic a variety of tones, styles and accents. It all began back in the 70’s when I was a DJ at a college radio station – I wasn’t attending at the time, I just showed up one day visiting a friend who worked there, and was offered a spot doing the morning jazz show. No one bothered to ask if I was a student, and I didn’t bring up the subject myself.

It was a simpler time, I guess. Next morning after a brief introduction to the finer points of running the board and turntables (hit this switch, talk into this thing, no dead air), there I was Monday through Friday from 8am to 10am saying things like “That was Jimmy McGriffs “Big Booty Bounce” from his Red Beans album.”

I was hooked. 

A few years later, I got my FCC license when I started working for WXVA-FM in Charles Town, WV. Once again, through being in the right place at the right time. It was the early 90’s, and I had a consignment shop for children’s clothing downtown (KidStuff), and I was VP of the Merchants Association. As such, I was sometimes interviewed by the local radio. 

Then I started a Main Street initiative in town, so there were more interviews. Their morning talk show host soon discovered I could be relied upon to show up and talk more-or-less coherently on a variety of subjects, so I became her Terri Garr – if someone cancelled out, I was the go-to guy. I lived only three miles from the studio, so I was often available with little or no notice.

When they found out I had experience running the board, I was offered a spot as back-up DJ. I recorded ads and PSA’s, and would sometimes sit in the studio to keep the commercials and news running during live remotes from high school sporting events, as well as working the board as an on-air personality.

I enjoyed it very much, and would sometimes try little things just to see if anyone was listening. For example, more than once I introduced the weather segment in a bright and chipper voice, “Today’s Accuweather FuckAss calls for scattered showers…” . I just loved the thought of someone driving in their car saying to themselves with a frown, “Did he just say …? Nah!”

I also remember doing the intro “Here’s George Benson with “Turn Your Love Around”, which I must point out is technically illegal in this state.” It was also fun to throw in fake advertisements like “This portion of the show is brought to you by Degenerate Mills, makers of Tasteless Garbage. Square little O’s of sugar-coated roughage”.

The only downside is that pay scale at local radio stations is so low you could trip over it. With family and other financial needs I had to move on, which led ultimately to the network engineer stuff (whole other story).

If you’ve read my blog, you also know I have also been in a variety of local bands, where I learned more about working soundboards in a recording studio, and accumulated more equipment. As a result, I currently have a well-equipped digital home studio, where I can record and edit quality products, and deliver them in the clients preferred audio format.

For example:

Click it or Ticket!

Or a little closer to home:

Dollywood BBQ

I’ve also tried my hand at making a few videos on YouTube, like this one promoting my book on the Galápagos.

I’ve also recored several web site and Facebook advertisements like the one below.

If you are looking for some voice over help, please contact me by clicking on this link.